Data ownership and control in connected smart cities

Ruben Verborgh

Connected Smart Cities Conference, 17 January 2019

Data ownership and control
in connected smart cities

Ruben Verborgh

Ghent University – imec

Smart cities are driven by
data from many sources.

The Solid ecosystem enables us
to connect that data in a trusted way,
ensuring people remain in control.

I am Ruben Verborgh, computer scientist
and contributor to the Solid ecosystem.

With Solid, you choose where you store
every single piece of data you produce.

You can grant apps and people access
to very specific parts of your data.

Separating app and storage competition
drives permissionless innovation.

Solid is an ecosystem of data and apps
that work seamlessly together.

Linked Data in the RDF model
solves crucial challenges for Solid.

Through URLs and RDF, every piece of data
can link to any other piece of data.

PREFIX as: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
<#ruben-likes-cscc2019> a as:Like;
  as:actor  <>;
  as:object <>;
  as:published "2019-01-17T12:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime.

Shapes (and hopefully soon semantics)
enable layered compatibility.

PREFIX as: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
<#ruben-likes-cscc2019> a as:Like;
  as:actor  <>;
  as:object <>;
  as:published "2019-01-17T12:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime.

Different source data can be concatenated
(but let’s track provenance).

PREFIX as: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
<#ruben-likes-cscc2019> a as:Like;
  as:actor  <>;
  as:object <>;
  as:published "2019-01-17T12:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime.
<#carol-likes-cscc2019> a as:Like;
  as:actor  <>;
  as:object <>;
  as:published "2019-01-17T12:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime.

With Solid, the source of truth
is the original data source.

At Ghent University – imec, we are actively
looking to collaborate on smart cities.

Some of the smart cities projects we’re working on:

Data ownership and control
in connected smart cities


Ghent University – imec