How do data vaults work?

Ruben Verborgh, Ghent Universityimec

Werksessie datakluizen, Digitaal Vlaanderen, 29 April 2021

How do data vaults work?

Ruben Verborgh

Ghent University – imec

Solid is a standard for data vaults.

Solid restores data-driven innovation
by creating independent choices.

People access the services they need
through an identity they control,
storing their data where they want.

Every piece of data created by a person
or about them, is stored in a data vault.

A person can grant services access
to very specific parts of their data.

Separating app and storage competition
creates better offerings for all parties.

By abandoning data harvesting,
we restore permissionless innovation.

Solid enables interoperable data vaults
through standardization.

[the Solid logo]

Solid servers separate apps from data
by implementing a set of specifications.

All Solid servers must implement the spec,
yet that doesn’t make them all the same.

Standards make Solid an ecosystem.

An ecosystem succeeds
if multiple parties thrive.

The keyword is complementarity.

How do data vaults work?
