Sharing personal data: an innovation story

Ruben Verborgh, Ghent Universityimec

Data Sharing Days, 28 January 2020

Sharing personal data:
an innovation story

Ruben Verborgh

Ghent University – imec

©2019 Facebook
©1969 source unknown
1969 live video 380,000 km
©2020 Google Maps
2019 photo 11 km

We don’t have a privacy problem,
we have an innovation problem.

With Solid, we aim to
redefine the relationship
between people, their data,
and the apps they use.

© David Simonds

Solid is about choice.

The Solid ecosystem enables people to pick the apps they need, while
storing their data wherever they want.

People control their data, and share it
with the apps and people they choose.

People choose where they store
every single piece of data they produce.

They can grant apps and people access
to very specific parts of their data.

Separating app and storage competition
drives independent innovation.

Solid is not a company or organisation.
Solid is not (just) software.

[the Solid logo]

Anyone can build or host
software for Solid.

The Solid server acts as a data pod
that stores and guards your data.

A typical data pod can contain
any data you create or need online.

Solid clients are browser or native apps
that read from or write to your data pod.

Any app you can envision,
you can build with Solid.

The Solid server and several apps exist
and are usable for developers.

Solid is transitioning from research project
into an ecosystem backed by start-ups.

Decentralized apps are more complex.
We need new technologies to cope.

My team at UGent – imec is looking to
collaborate on decentralized challenges.

Sharing personal data:
an innovation story
