Solid: bringing back choice by taking back control

Ruben Verborgh

OverWeb Meetup, Ghent, 5 March 2019

Solid: bringing back choice
by taking back control

Ruben Verborgh

Ghent University – imec

Let’s redefine the relation
between people, apps, and data.

By taking control of our data flow,
we take control of our choices.

I am Ruben Verborgh, computer scientist
and contributor to the Solid ecosystem.

With Solid, you choose where you store
every single piece of data you produce.

You can grant apps and people access
to very specific parts of your data.

Separating app and storage competition
drives permissionless innovation.

Solid is an ecosystem of data and apps
that work seamlessly together.

At Ghent University – imec, we are actively
looking to collaborate on smart cities.

Solid: bringing back choice
by taking back control


Ghent University – imec