Ruben Verborgh, Ghent University – imec
Lecture in the course Human Rights: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, 30 March 2020
Ruben Verborgh
Ghent University – imec
This is for everyone #london2012 #oneweb #openingceremony @webfoundation @w3c
Tim Berners-Lee July 27, 2012
Anyone can say anything about anything.
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Facebook works better with the native app.
The Facebook founder has no intention of
allowing anyone to build anything on his platform
that does not have his express approval.Having profited mightily from the Web’s openness,
John Naughton, The Guardian
he has kicked away the ladder that elevated him
to his current eminence.
Solid is about choice.
The Solid ecosystem enables people
to pick the apps they need,
storing their data wherever they want.
People control their data,
and share it
with the apps and people they choose.
The best way to predict
Alan Kay
the future is to invent it.
The best way to invent
John Perry Barlow
the future is to predict it.
Let’s assemble the brightest minds
Tim Berners-Lee
from business, technology, government,
civil society, the arts and academia
to tackle the threats to the Web’s future.